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Granger was perched in her director's chair beaming at her classmates. "Now you all have your scripts, I am going to assign your character," she said with a broad grin. Draco scowled and looked at the thick script in his hand. "Why are we doing this again?" he sneered. Granger rolled her eyes, and the other prefects groaned. Granger had just finished a speech that lasted nearly 20 minutes about some cause this was benefiting. Draco tended to ignore her most of the time. "It is a tradition for the Head Girl and Boy and the seventh year prefects to make a contribution to a charity in thanks for their education. We are going to do this play, because it is my favorite and I am Head Girl so you can't stop me." Granger smirked and continued. "The proceeds will go to the Victims of the War fund, in honor of those who faced hardship during the war." Draco's eyes lit up. "That includes me then, I was a victim. The aurors searched my house, it was most unpleasant. Imagine, sitting in your study and having a load of surly, thoroughly unattractive Moody-esque men burst in and ransack the room. Very unsettling." "Draco Malfoy! We are talking people who lost loved ones, not had their belongings looked over. Honestly!" Granger replied, and then continued her previous speech. "Harry and I have chosen the parts you will all play. If you don't like them, well, feel free to state your opinion but know that these will be your parts regardless. We have put a lot of thought into the selections and we really think they are the best choice." The bushy haired girl grinned and then looked over at Potter, who was also grinning in a rather unnerving way. "Right then, here are your parts. Hermione will be the director, since it was her idea and she loves to boss people around, we thought it fitting." Potter grinned at her and she poked him playfully in the arm. Draco rolled his eyes. "Anyhow," he continued, "I will be Romeo," Potter grinned again and Thomas, Finnigan and Finch-Fletchley snickered. Draco wondered what was so amusing about Romeo. "Dean, you will be Mercutio. Seamus, you are Tybalt. Lisa, you will be the Nurse, Terry, you will play Paris. Justin, you are the Friar so, try to tone down the flamboyance a bit, will you?" Finch-Fletchley nodded dramatically and Potter continued. "Ernie, you are Benvolio. Millicent, you are, err, you're gonna be Prince Escalus, since you are the biggest of us all, and Draco, you're gonna be, um, Juliet." Potter appeared to be trying very hard not to laugh. Draco didn't know who Juliet was, but it most definitely sounded female. The whole room bust into hysterics at Potter's announcement. "There is no way I am playing a girl! Not going to happen!" Draco snarled and threw the script across the room. It hit Finnigan who was sitting in one of the two red armchairs. Finnigan tried to glare at him, but it only came out as a pained look before he continued howling again. "Malfoy, you have to do it! Besides, Lisa asked to be the Nurse ages ago when I first told her about this, and none of the other guys are right for the part." Granger said as she stood up from her director's chair and began marching over to retrieve Draco's script. "What about Finch-Fletchley? He is more feminine than you are Granger!" Draco spat at her. There was no way he would agree to this. Granger glared at him and Finch-Fletchley snickered. "No, Malfoy, you are going to be Juliet and that is final! Now, I have already picked out the costumes, they are on the table across the room. Go find the one with your name above it and put it on. You can put it on over your clothes for now since this is just a rehearsal to get familiar with our lines." Granger said and threw Draco's script back at him. He caught it and tossed it on the seat of his own green armchair after he stood up. Draco walked over to the table and to his absolute horror, found his own costume. A dress, and not just any dress, a terrible pink satin dress that was insanely low cut. "You are off your rocker if you think I am wearing this thing." He said as he lifted the dress from the table and looked it over. Potter looked at him and then the dress, and snickered. "I wouldn't laugh Potter, you are the one who is going to be wearing tights." Draco smirked. "Don't listen to him Harry," Justin said reassuringly, "I think you will look marvelous in them." "Thanks Justin." Potter replied and smirked back at Draco. They all put on their costumes and once again, everyone laughed at Draco. He was losing patience quickly. Granger came to look them over and give her approval. "Harry, the belt goes over the shirt and around your hips loosely, like this." Granger adjusted the belt and then looked at Draco. "Not bad Malfoy, now the hair." Draco was horrified. "I am wearing a dress Granger, something I swore I would never do. You will not touch my hair." "Oh yes I will, you have to look like a girl, more than you do normally." Granger smirked and Draco glared. "Now hush and drink this." She handed him a small vial of something purple. Draco took it reluctantly and drank it in one quick swallow. His scalp began to tingle and suddenly he had waves of curly platinum blonde hair cascading over his shoulders. "Not bad, Malfoy." Potter said, looking at him rather strangely. "Sod off." "Stop it you two. Now, everyone turn to page one." Granger said. They had been rehearsing for nearly an hour and Draco was sitting rather uncomfortably in Granger's chair, absently twirling a curl of his hair. He realized what he was doing and stopped at once, hoping no one else had seen him. The prefects' armchairs had been removed from the room to make way for the props and Malfoy's did not sit on the floor, so after much arguing, Draco won, as usual, and was claiming his victory in the form of a horribly stiff chair. "All right everyone, Act three, scene five. Harry, Draco in the bed." Granger barked and pointed at a large bed that had been conjured minutes before. "What? No way, I am not getting in bed with Potter, no!" Draco said firmly, crossing his arms for added emphasis. "Malfoy, you will do as you are told. I don't know what makes you think you don't have to listen to me, but let me tell you this...If you argue with me one more time, I will not hesitate to take 200 points from Slytherin! Now get in that bed!" Draco seethed. Whose wonderful idea was it to make her Head Girl anyway? Pouting profusely and stomping like a child, Draco walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Potter was already under the covers, grinning like an idiot. "Just couldn't wait to get me in the sack, could you Potter? I suppose you have been waiting for this scene all day, haven't you?" Draco sneered and then felt his eyes widen in alarm as Potter did the unthinkable. Potter winked at him. It was so subtle that no one else seemed to notice. Draco stared at him blankly for a moment, trying to think of a reason for the wink. Potter was looking at him, completely normally. Had he imagined it? Draco then wondered why he would imagine Potter winking at him, surely he wasn't still having those strange thoughts about the other boy, he had thought those dreams had been a result of spicy food. Granger's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "As much fun as it would be for us all to sit here while you stare at Harry all day, we need to get to work Malfoy." Draco felt a light flush take over his cheeks. "I wasn't staring at Potter. Why would I stare at a glasses wearing, scar faced Gryffindor?" Draco looked back at Potter who looked mildly wounded. "Oh bugger, fine I will get in the blasted bed." He crawled to the head of the bed and pulled back the covers. He tried not to look at Potter, but the red tights were too distracting. Draco glanced at them and immediately regretted it. "Like what you see?" Potter snickered. Draco looked up at him and was lost for words. Potter was gorgeous, why hadn't he seen it before? He held the emerald gaze for a moment and tried to think of a witty reply. "Not really. Actually, I was thinking how much better I would look in them. They would have to be green of course. Malfoys do not wear red." Draco smirked. "Of course, they only wear pink," Potter replied with a grin. Draco scowled but didn't say anything else. "Under the covers Malfoy." Granger snapped and he obeyed, taking great care to be as far away from Potter as he could. "Right, now, pretend to snog for a bit." "WHAT?!" Draco cried, shooting straight up to a sitting position. Potter was still laying next to him, with his hands behind his head and his lips puckered dramatically. Draco looked from Potter to Granger and back again. "Oh Merlin help me. Potter, you are enjoying this torture way too much for my liking." Draco reclined back into his pillow, still at least two feet from Potter and looked at Granger. "Is this good enough for you?" "Malfoy, if this is how Slytherins snog, then I can say confidently that I have never been happier to be a Gryffindor." Granger said, walking toward them. She grabbed Draco's arm roughly and tossed it onto Potter's chest. The rest of the Prefects snickered and Potter growled. Draco was seriously starting to become alarmed. Draco stared at Granger and withdrew his arm. "Two hundred points Malfoy, think about it." "Come on, Malfoy, we don't actually have to snog you know. Just, er, cuddle I suppose." Potter said uneasily. Draco sighed. "Fine, Potter come here. Salazar's socks, I can't believe I am doing this. My father is going to kill me after he sees this." Potter hesitated and then wiggled over a bit until he was not an inch from Draco's side. "Oh, that reminds me. Ask your father if we could borrow that horrible cane of his, would you? I need it for Harry to kill Seamus with it, since we can't use a sword." Granger said matter of factly. "Are you nuts? My father's wand is incased in that cane. Besides, I don't think it would look too good for Harry Potter to be killing someone with Lucius Malfoy's wand. I won't ask Granger, I would likely be beaten with it just for suggesting it." Draco replied. "Fine. Well, what are you two waiting for? Snog already." Granger said, tapping her foot impatiently. Draco took a deep breath and closed his eyes to gather his nerve. This wouldn't be so bad really, just like hugging a brother. Only Draco didn't have a brother and therefore had never hugged one. He opened his eyes and turned to face a very nervous Potter. The other boy's jewel green eyes were wide, looking directly into Draco's. Sweet Grindewald's ghost, Potter had amazing eyes. Draco could hear Potter's breathing increase dramatically as they continued to stare at one another. This is insane, Draco closed his eyes. He had been attracted to other boys before, but it had never felt like this, not with anyone. Of all the people, Draco thought, why is this happening with Potter? Draco opened his eyes again. Potter was now looking at his mouth. Draco let his gaze move to the other boy's mouth, only to be fair of course, and noticed for the first time how perfect Potter's lips were. They were pink, full, and begging to be kissed. Potter lightly ran his tongue over his top lip and Draco moaned. That jolted him out of his thoughts and he immediately jerked his eyes back up to Potter's who were wide as saucers. Draco didn't know what to say, so he turned and looked at Granger. "This is as good as it is going to get, I refuse to lay my hands on Potter." "Fine, now Harry, you need to reluctantly roll out of the bed and walk toward the window. Remember, you two were just married, so you must make it convincing." Granger told him. Potter nodded and rolled off the bed. He stood by the fake window and stared at Granger. "Right, now Juliet, you get out of bed and slowly walk to Romeo. When you reach his side, begin reading your lines." Granger said, waving the script in the air. Draco sighed again and got out of the bed. He stalked over to the window and stood next to Potter. The other boy faced him, and Draco began reading his lines. "Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day. Is this English?" Draco asked. Granger groaned. "Yes Malfoy, it is Shakespeare. This is classic British Literature, now stop stalling and get on with it. We still have to do the scene where you kill yourself after finding Romeo dead." "I will not kill myself over Potter's lousy dead corpse. That goes against all things Malfoy, we had actually planned a barbeque after an event of that magnitude." Draco smirked at Potter. Potter was looking at him very strangely indeed, was it desire? Bugger, this was not going well. "Malfoy, say the bloody lines already. Some of us would like to sleep tonight," Finnigan snapped from across the room. Draco groaned and they continued the scene. He and Potter had exchanged their lines and by the time they reached the end of the scene, Granger had forced them into one another's arms in a "romantic" embrace. Draco didn't mind nearly as much as he was letting on. Potter's arms were around his waist and his hip was pressed against Draco's. "More light and light; more dark and dark our woes!" Potter proclaimed and they turned to look at Granger. "Okay, Harry I hate to do this to you, but, err, you guys have to kiss. I'm sorry, I know how foul it will be to kiss Malfoy, but it is in the script," Granger said with a sympathetic look on her face. Draco was offended. "Hey! I believe that Potter should feel rather lucky to get to kiss me. I happen to be a magnificent kisser," Draco said with a smirk. "Come off it, Malfoy. You should be begging to kiss me, how many people can say they have kissed the boy who lived?" Potter added sarcastically. "Not many I'm sure, after all, if that horrid hair didn't scare them away then I am sure the fact that the Dark Lord was stalking your every move certainly did. Unless you want to count the Weasel," Draco replied "I have never kissed Ron! That is just, wrong!" Potter said defensively. "Face it Potter, I am a much bigger catch than you are. Not to mention the better kisser of the two, and definitely the more experienced," Draco said proudly. "I wouldn't flaunt the fact that you have been around more times than...a circle," Potter said weakly. "Oh yes, very good Potter. Remind me to add that to my list of witty repartee," Draco said with a sneer. "Enough fighting. There is only one way to find out who is better, now kiss!" Granger yelled and the other prefects nodded in agreement. "You are all barking mad, I'm telling you," Draco said. "What is the matter now, Malfoy? Scared you might like it?" Potter smirked. The sight unsettled Draco, he had never seen Potter smirk before, and he liked it. "Not hardly, Golden Boy." And to prove it, Draco gathered his nerve and grabbed the front of Potters shirt, crushing his mouth against Potters. His lips were warm, soft and painfully tender. Potter moaned lightly and Draco became caught up in the moment. He brushed his tongue lightly against Potter's lower lip and the other boy parted to welcome him in. Draco explored Potter's mouth and thought he might faint from the pleasure. This felt so perfect. The others in the room began murmuring amongst themselves, but Draco didn't care. Seven years of pent up frustration and obsession were pouring out of him and into the mouth of a boy he had apparently wanted for longer than he had known. Potter's tongue danced with his own and somewhere in the middle of it, Potter's hands had lowered and were now resting on his arse. The room suddenly erupted in applause and Draco pulled away from Potter reluctantly and glanced around the room. Everyone was grinning, including Potter. What was going on? "Would someone care to tell me what is so damned funny?" Draco said with a raised eyebrow. "Malfoy, you are so dim." Granger said. "There never was going to be a play. This was just the only way we could think of." Draco became nervous as the realization of the situation came into focus. There was no seventh year prefect appreciation project. How could he have been so blind? "You did all this?" He asked Potter, in amazement. Potter grinned. "Yep, I have wanted to for ages, but Hermione told me to wait." "But, why?" Draco asked, although he wasn't sure he wanted the answer. Potter brought one hand up and brushed a stray hair from Draco's face. "This is why." He said and pulled Draco into another deep kiss. If Draco hadn't been so engrossed in the kiss, he would have heard the simultaneous "Aw" coming from his fellow prefects and the "Finally" that came from the other Gryffindors. They broke from the kiss and Draco stared into Potter's amazing eyes. It was official, Draco had been wooed. |