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Draco Malfoy had an obsession. In truth, Draco Malfoy had a fetish. And not just any fetish. Draco Malfoy had a foot fetish. A bad foot fetish. We aren�t talking about mild attraction to a good-looking pair of feet. We�re talking about ungodly obsession with the mere thought of touching� rubbing� licking� sucking� We�re talking about ragging hard-ons and sleepless nights. Now, much to the dismay of Draco, Harry Potter had a habit. Nothing huge, just one of those small, unconscious things one does and which rarely ever have any repercussions. Harry Potter liked to kick his shoes off while studying. It was as if some part of his mind was unable to concentrate when his feet were so constricted. Yes, you say, what�s the big deal? Normally feet are under desks while one studies. But, you see, Harry�s favourite place to study was in a semi-private corner of the library. And this small space had in its possession of a collection of the world�s finest footstools. Comfy and plush, the kind of footstools that make a person go �ahh� when they put their feet upon them. No, these were not your average Joe Footstools. One was, in fact, the seven-time runner-up for Witch Weekly�s annual Most Comfortable Place to Park Your Arse (Or Other Miscellaneous Body Parts) contest, second only to a very special Armchair. It was upon this very stool that Harry Potter chose to rest his near naked feet, in plain sight of one Draco Malfoy. You can imagine the torment that this caused our dear Draco. Seeing those perfectly shaped feet, clad only in thin, clingy socks with that footstool holding those feet up, as if on a pedestal. But oh, Draco thought, no pedestal was fine enough for those feet. Not for the worshipping he would like to do to them� He did, however, feel that the footstool was quite sufficient. With its ever-so-soft cushion gently supporting Harry�s feet at just the right height for Draco to kneel beside them and� Draco�s mind nearly short circuited at the thought. Oh what he would give to be that stool at this moment. To have Harry�s feet all over him. Draco was become quite agitated, now, at the sight of those lovely, gorgeous, beautiful feet spread out before him on that luxurious footstool. If it were possible for Malfoys to squirm, Draco would have been doing it. Unfortunately it is a well known fact that Malfoys do not squirm and Draco was only able to sit there, staring openly, slightly drooling, and with his� blood pressure rising. Any normal person would have left, taken care of business, and got on with their life. Though it is arguable whether or not any person with a foot fetish is truly normal. And Malfoys (even without the often commonplace foot fetish that seemed near inherent� no, Lucius was not upset because Harry had freed Dobby, he was actually upset because Harry had given Dobby a sock! Lucius wanted Harry�s sock all to himself! Oh, the things he could have done with a sock from Harry Potter�) could never be considered normal. With their obscure fondness of items that could only be considered phallic symbols and need for this items to be bigger, better, and faster then anyone else�s. One has to wonder if they are over compensating for something. You know what they say about wizards who need the showiest brooms, don�t you? By this time poor Draco thought that he might explode, and knowing that it would be extremely undignified for a Malfoy to explode in a library (at least by oneself), Draco was becoming worried. But the Gods of Fate smiled down on Draco, and Harry was suddenly stirred to movement. Harry closed his book and stretched, letting out the smallest squeaking noise as he did so and Draco nearly followed suit. For as Harry stretched, his feet dug deeper into that wonderful footstool, causing Draco to practically lose his self-control. After Harry left, Draco decided that he was, in fact, done studying for the evening regardless of the fact the he couldn�t remember what he had read that day, or the title of his book for that matter, and his notes consisted only of a few random words, all but two completely inappropriate for a school essay, and a rather large amount of drool. No, an essay like this would earn him an A in only one of his classes, and we aren�t going there, at least not right now that is. Draco stalked back to his dorm room, nearly trampling two first years on his way. After doing what a normal person would do, and taking care of his�business, Draco turned in for some sleep, while dreams of footstools and feet danced in his head. With a night of sleep like that who could not wake up feel refreshed? Yet Draco was not refreshed. He was quite disturbed about his dreams. No, not because they were about feet, because of whose feet they were about. Is a very fine line and Draco crossed it. So while it was all fine and dandy that Draco had been drooling over Harry�s feet in the library, it was OK because they were simply another nameless pair of soles that fell into the category of What Gets Draco Malfoy Off. Now, grant it, this is a very long and varied list (most of which would fall under the subcategory of Unspeakable), but it most certainly did not include Harry Potter (at least not from the ankles up). In Draco�s not-so-humble opinion, Harry Potter was the epitome of all things good. And that was bad. Yes, Draco had dreamed about Harry, and all these thoughts were making Draco feel dirty, and you know it is bad when a Malfoy starts to feel dirty. Draco reckoned that since the best way to fight fire was with fire, he must fight evil dirty thoughts with more dirty thoughts. So, it became his mission for the day to find any pair of feet that would take his mind away from a certain pair of feet. In order to find the perfect set of distracting feet, Draco spent most of the day walking around looking at the floor. Now you can imagine the oddness of this sight. A Malfoy walking around with head bowed and look of concentration on his face. Too big, too small, oh� just right! Draco looked up at the Chosen One, the one the he would allow to remove his mind from his horrifying thoughts from this morning, the thoughts of� To say that Draco looked like a deer caught in headlights would be downplaying it. It only took him a moment before he turned and fled. Had he had a white fluffy tail, it would have been flying. He did not stop until he reached his dorm (private of course), and he hadn�t even registered when he did run over the two above-mentioned first years. Had he thought about this, he might have been cheered up, because with the 20 points that earned him, he had just overtaken Crabbe in the How Many Students Can I Knock Unconscious in One Week Slytherin competition. Must get help� cannot allow this to be happening� Draco flopped (not that Malfoys flop) himself onto the bed and reached over into his nightstand drawer, pulling out his secret stash of �dirty� magazines. Fall Fashion Footwear for Wizards, These Boots Were Make for Walking, and the dirtiest of all� Summer Sandals for All Seasons (yes, my friends, the thong is back and Draco is not about to complain). But looking at all these wonderful pictures, Draco felt nothing. That is until he started to think about Harry wearing the shoes. Draco threw his magazines against the wall in disgust. There had to be another reason behind this strange attraction to Harry. Ah ha! Draco thought triumphantly. It�s not Potter at all� it had to have been the footstool! With this, he ran to get Goyle�s copy of Fabulous Furniture (Malfoys were no the only Slytherins who had odd fetishes). Attempting to prove himself right, Draco quickly returned to his dorm, locked himself in the room, and flipped to the section for footstools. Draco stared, twisting the magazine around, trying desperately to find at least one footstool that he found attractive. It wasn�t working. Muttering over the bizarre fetishes that his housemate had, Draco tossed this magazine against the wall as well. In one last-ditch attempt to prove he had not being thinking of Harry in any fashion other then hatred, Draco decided to go to the library. It was not until he was settling himself down in the same chair he had been sitting the day before, that he realized that there was currently a pair of feet resting on that award-winning footstool. It took all of Draco�s will to sit in his chair and not do exactly what he wanted to do at that moment. Draco watched, transfixed, as Harry began to move his shoeless feet to a rhythm that must have being playing in his head. They slowly bobbed up and down in a hypnotizing beat that was quickly driving Draco insane. There was one last corner of Draco�s mind that was screaming at him about self-control and what it was to be a Malfoy, and as the rhythm to Harry�s silent song speed up, Draco decided he really disliked his inner voice of reason. Oh, screw self-control, was the last coherent thought that Draco had as he pushed himself up from his chair and made his way over to Harry�s. |