Isn't it?
Written for [info]loverly:
Fandom: Gilmore Girls. [info]loverly requested Tristan/Jess.
Length: 398 words.
Notes: This probably isn�t what you were expecting but it was a really interesting place to go.

�Small world,� Tristan says when Jess mentions Connecticut. �Used to be in love with a girl from Star�s Hollow.�

He is leaning against the printing press in their dusty basement publishing house, which would be an inadvisable position for anyone whose father didn�t own the company. Jess ponders the way he looks, propped up against what will be the first edition of Jess�s book, hopefully the first of many. Jess figures it�s a good sign that he�d rather laugh than rol his eyes, so he smiles and says, �Really. Me too.�

Tristan looks interested, perks up, and says, �Yeah? What was her name?�

He takes Jess out for drinks and Jess isn�t even aware until he�s through his second beer that it�s sort of a date. But Tristan makes jokes about Jack Kerouac and mentions the French Existentialists out of nowhere, and Jess winds up smirking a lot, so he keeps ordering. He�s always wondered if it�s true, what they say about the seven-beer rule.

It is true, as it turns out. Tristan pushes Jess against the wall of his apartment and Jess runs a hand up underneath his shirt. He notices the expensive furniture, the ridiculous excesses of the ridiculously wealthy in the size of the tv, the fully-stocked bar, the thickness of the carpet under his knees. I�m a fucking boytoy, he thinks, and laughs a dry laugh. Tristan twists his hand in Jess�s hair. �You really need a haircut,� he says, and pushes his head down. The sheen of sweat decorating Tristan�s navel tastes like salt and beer. Jess likes it all right.

He goes to see Rory when his book is published. He tells her about Philadelphia. He doesn�t tell her about Tristan. She probably wouldn�t believe him anyway. He wonders what she would say if she knew that he�s dating exactly the kind of guy they used to make fun of.

When he meets Logan he can barely stop himself from laughing out loud. Logan could be Tristan�s double, right down to the expensive suit and the daddy issues, and suddenly a whole bunch of things about Rory make a lot more sense.

Later when he finds himself yelling, he isn�t sure whether he�s doing it at her or himself.

�How�d it go?� Tristan asks when he gets back.

�Small world,� Jess says, and sets his duffel bag down in Tristan�s foyer.

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