About this site:
This site (version 4.0) was made by Orphne using fanart by Offrande.
The character depicted in the artwork you see is Echizen Ryoma from the anime series/manga Prince of Tennis (tenipuri). The jacket he's wearing belongs to Tezuka. ♥
All artwork on this site is used by permission of the artist. Reproduction or other use of Offrande's art or the art of any other artist on this site is strictly prohibited.
The name topgallant refers to the second-highest sail on the main mast of typical tall ships. The topgallant is beneath the highest sail, the royal sail; hence the domain name for this site is notquiteroyal.
Our server is Dreamhost. They really are.
About your hostess:
I'm Aja. I'm the owner of notquiteroyal.net. I write in the Harry Potter fandom, and more recently in the Prince of Tennis and Hikago fandoms. Other fandoms I've written for are the Jane Austen fandom, the Good Omens fandom, and the Gilmore Girls fandom.
I used to have quite a long spiel here about me and my life. But at the moment, I feel that it's a little pretentious to go on so much about myself. I think if you want to know about me, the best thing to do is read my fic. I also am a huge participant in the fan culture of livejournal, where I tend to spend an obsessive amount of time.
Fandom projects:
Armchair Slash: a Harry/Draco fan community. - One of the oldest currently active H/D communities in the fandom.
~ the website (badly in need of updating)
~armchair_slash - the brand-new LJ community!
The Big Bang: the H/D Novel Project.
~ The Original Big Bang Challenge
~ Big Bang II: Endgame.
The Eros Affair - Harry/Draco sex cheques: a scenario community
Nocturne Alley: a Harry Potter RPG.
- Guide and Introduction to Prince of Tennis
- Rackets: Prince of Tennis media
pillarchallenge - a Tezuka/Ryoma challenge community
hd_flashfic - Hex You Up: a Harry/Draco challenge community.
What follows are the list of people who over the years have been my friends, fellow shippers, and constant sources of support. Credits, if you will, of all the people whose names appear elsewhere on these pages as a beta, fanartist, co-author, or inspiration for these stories. My thanks goes out to all of you, whether you are friends past or present. You have meant much to me.
Above all I want to give my love to the following people, whom I think I would truly be lost without: Rach, Orphne, Erica, Anna, Amalin, Black Dog, Dorrie, EQ, Franzi, Sam, Starla, Verdant, and the RQ.
Beta-readers:Cim (cimorene111)
Clio (jlh)
Dana (shaggirl)
Erin (eleveninches)
Franzi (franzeska)
Little Alex (???)
Orphne (ought)
Penguin (pingviini)
Rach (scrabble)
Reena (lunacy)
Rene (tartpants)
Verdant (conversant)
Frances Potter (dragon_charmer)
Jen (legomymalfoy)
Reena (lunacy)
Adrienne (adrienne111)
Ali (ali_wildgoose)
Alice (alicey)
Alice (cellia)
Ash (ashjay)
Catia (Catiadoodle)
Eddy (ametatsu)
GaF (gredandfeorge)
Glock (glockgal)
Kara (starcrossedgirl)
Liz (fiendling)
Moya (moia)
Nanami (nana_rose)
Nix (____nix)
Rave (dorkorific)
Sidhe (bhanesidhe)
Spaggel (spaggel)
Yasmin (yasmina)
(more to come)
A few creative inspirations:
Jane Austen
Georgette Heyer
Rie fu
Stephen Sondheim
The Tea Party
Space Team Electra
Jeff Mangum
J.K. Rowling