bookshop: i want comments.
bookshop: perhaps if i post a bit of throwaway porn people will give me comments.
orphne: or you could just ask for comments
bookshop: i found a ficlet i wrote for aggie! maybe it is good?

it is porny.
bookshop: but people will be more inclined to give me comments if there is porn!
orphne: you could include porn and also ask for many comments
It's their first time and Draco's banging him in his own bed, fucki` his flesh. Harry doesn't know where his own hands are--he can't think except in quick flashes of
guh just as Draco shifts outward and then pummels in again. He can't feel much either--nothing but the singing of his arse muscles as they clench Draco's cock, and the stiff sharpness of Draco's fingernails digging into his skin. He gasps when Draco shifts, pulls him to his knees, and is suddenly that much deeper inside him--and
ohyesyesohgodYESfuck. Draco knows what the keening noises from Harry mean, he has to know, because he leans down as he thrusts and fastens his teeth to Harry's shoulder, and Harry feels wetness and heat everywhere at once, and as Draco moves his hand down between Harry's legs he bites down, hard, and Harry comes on a whimper.
For Harry, this is the way the world really ends.
bookshop: like that?
the singing of his arse muscles
bookshop: i was in a hurry
orphne: singing!
bookshop: it is better than squeaking!
bookshop: or squelching!
orphne: sqeaking arse muscles?
bookshop: squelching!
orphne: I think that works though! except COMMENT PLEASE should be in huge font
orphne: wouldn't draco be pretty creeped out by singing though?
bookshop: it is not like they stood up and sang the Queen of the Night.
orphne: well, they can't really stand
bookshop: i don't know. harry's arse muscles are pretty talented.
orphne: I never imagined that his arse muscles were coloratura soprano
bookshop: only when draco is fucking him.
bookshop: normally they are baritone.