Title: Midnight in the Garden
Author: Mirabella ([info]mirasfics)
Rating: R
Canon: post-HBP.
Length: 6,600
Scenario: I promise to play rough.
Summary: Harry trusts Draco not to hurt him. On purpose. Mostly. Snakes, on the other hand, are a different matter.
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor pretend to own any characters or locations within the HP Universe, they remain the sole property of J. K. Rowling, Warner Bros., Christopher Little Agency and associates. No money is made from this work, it is purely a work of fanfiction.

Midnight in the Garden

"You know I'd never hurt you, don't you?" Draco whispered, his mouth an inch above Harry's. "Much, I mean."

Harry peered warily up at him. For God only knew what reason, it hadn't occurred to him until now that it might not be the best of ideas to let himself be tied to the bed and incapacitated by a dark wizard, even a relatively tame one. Unless he wanted to call a halt to the proceedings, though, he was just going to have to trust Draco � and trust that the bonds holding him down really were spelled to vanish as soon as he genuinely wanted them to.

Draco had drawn back a little, waiting for an answer. "Er," Harry said. "Yes?"

Draco made a disapproving face. "Convince me."

Watching one's prospects of getting laid receding into the distance did wonders for resolving uncertainty. "I trust you not to hurt me, Draco," Harry said. "Would I have let you do this at all if I didn't?"

"You looked like you were having second thoughts." Draco shifted a little above him and settled more comfortably down onto Harry, propping himself up on his elbows, making Harry nudge his hips upward hopefully.

"Just a bit nervous, that's all."

"Hm. Well, that you should be," Draco answered, not doing much for Harry's peace of mind. Draco smiled and bent to kiss him, a long, slow, tasting that had Harry pulling unconsciously against the bonds and panting by the time he was done.

"Hey, come back," Harry protested as Draco shifted off him and slid off the bed.

"In a minute," Draco said carelessly, pulling his wand out of his discarded robes � for lubrication, Harry devoutly hoped. "You know I wouldn't let anything else hurt you either, don't you?"

"Yes, I �"

"Good. Serpensortia," Draco said, and a large asp landed on Harry's stomach with an sound like an angry steam press.

Don't bite me! he hissed frantically. The asp only looked at him with flat, glittering eyes.

"Malfoy," Harry said, very quietly, his eyes fixed on the snake and his adrenaline spiking painfully, "what the fuck?"

Draco smirked and crawled slowly between Harry's knees, running his hands up Harry's thighs. "Don't worry. I've got a bit more control over the spell than I did in our second year, after all. It won't move."

Harry swallowed hard. "And it's not going to bite me either, right?"

Draco gave an elaborately careless shrug. "I cast it not to. It might listen, it might not. Maybe you'd better persuade it. And I suggest you not move too much."

"You realize it's my turn after this, right?" Harry asked tightly. The snake shifted in ill-humored discontent and Harry hissed soothingly at it. "If you wanted Parseltongue you could have just asked."

"But that wasn't all I wanted," Draco said softly, slipping his hands up almost to the erection that, rather to Harry's mortification, showed no signs of going down. If anything, he was getting harder. Harry was really starting to wonder about himself.

"What � don't bite, don't bite � else did you want?"

Draco's smile was distinctly predatory. "You're sweating, Harry. Your heart's going a hundred miles an hour. You think you can control the snake, you're fairly convinced it won't bite you, but you're not sure. And you're still as hard as a rock." He leaned down and licked up Harry's shaft in a long, slow swipe; Harry whimpered and fought not to move, forcing himself to silence as the asp's head swung around to glare balefully at him.

"I love that you have no self-control when you're with me," Draco murmured as he settled himself between Harry's legs and began slowly, maddeningly slowly, stroking his cock. "I love it that you scream when you come. I love it that I can make you beg. And now you can't do any of that, can you, because you really aren't quite sure that that snake isn't going to bite if you do."

Harry honestly was almost entirely sure. He trusted Draco, and he trusted his own facility with Parseltongue.

On the other hand, that was one bloody bad-tempered-looking snake.

"I want you to learn how good fear can feel," Draco breathed, and swallowed Harry's cock to the base.

Harry's whole body tensed, causing the snake to spit angrily. Don't bite, don't bite, don't bite, he chanted, not daring to do more than whisper. Please don't bite me, and oh God Draco was doing that thing with his tongue and Harry wanted to scream. He swallowed hard, afraid to even gasp for the air his body was frantic for, and really, Draco was a sick bastard and oh fuck his mouth felt good. Harry squeezed his eyes closed and fought not to writhe, not to tremble, not to upset that damn snake, and it was taking every ounce of his control; every inch of his skin seemed to be one giant nerve ending, painfully alert to the minutest change in the snake's position, agonizingly aroused and hypersensitive to every swirl of Draco's tongue, every long sucking glide of Draco's mouth down the shaft of his cock, even the light brush of Draco's hair over his balls. Fuck, it felt so good, if Harry didn't move he was going to die and he was terrified to so much as pant.

Don't bite me, he gasped, hearing the strain in his own voice. Don't, oh fuck Draco that feels so good, God, suck me like NO DON'T MOVE AND DON'T BITE ME oh fuck morepleasemore �

"God, you sound so hot," Draco whispered. "You should see yourself, Harry. You're getting drenched with sweat, can you feel it? You want so badly to do something, anything, you want to fuck my mouth, it's killing you to keep still and you don't dare move." His fingers began to slip downward.

"Malfoy, don't you dare," Harry hissed, trying to pull away from those deft, lovely fingers without actually moving.

"Why?" Draco purred. "Because you can't keep still with my fingers inside you?"

"That would be why, yes," Harry said, and bit his lip to keep from groaning at the slow twisting stroke of Draco's hand on his cock. God, he was getting close already, jolts of pleasure shooting through him with every move Draco made, building an insistent pressure that almost hurt because he couldn't react to it, couldn't move with it, couldn't control it.

"I could fuck you like this, you know," Draco said, and bent his head to swirl his tongue around the head of Harry's cock in a way that made him see stars. "If I moved your legs up slowly enough it might not disturb the snake. Everything seems more intense when you're afraid, doesn't it, love? Can you imagine what it would feel like to have me filling you like this?"

His fingers curved lightly, barely pressing, barely breaching, and good Christ Harry wanted to move into that caress; he was getting lightheaded from lack of air and desperate to move, desperate to come, and that fucking snake was glaring at him again. "When this stupid snake is gone," he said carefully, "I'm going to remind you that you aren't the only one who can play rough."

"Promise?" Draco whispered, and took Harry's cock in his mouth again. Harry bit his lip, shaking with the effort of not arching up to meet that diabolically talented tongue.

"Oh, I promise, all right look, just go to sleep or something, would you you're going to be bloody lucky if I don't leave bruises this time."

"Mm, well, by all means let's finish this, then." Draco sucked, hard, and did that thing with his tongue again, and Harry damned near shot straight up to the ceiling, snake or no. His toes were curling so hard that they bid fair to pop out of joint, and Draco was, oh God, tonguing that spot that made lightning jolt up Harry's spine, and fuck, he couldn't move.

Look, please get off me, he pleaded desperately. Please. Go lie in front of the fire. It's warm there. Please please get off me God I'll pay you just �

The snake hissed irately at him and Harry nearly bit his lip bloody trying not to arch upward, God, he was so fucking desperate, his heart was hammering painfully and sweat was dripping into his eyes and Draco just kept sucking his cock like there wasn't a huge fucking poisonous snake sitting on Harry's chest, like he was starving for it, and his fingers pressed just a little deeper, fucking teasing and oh fuck Harry was going to come like a blast forge and die of snakebite, bloody Dark Lords as far as the eye could see couldn't kill him but Draco Malfoy was going to do him in with an asp and a blowjob �

"Vipera evanesca," Draco whispered; the snake vanished, Draco's fingers slid into Harry and curled, and Harry slammed his shoulders into the bed and his cock into Draco's mouth and came so hard and so long that he thought he was going to black out, screaming his throat raw, too incoherent even to scream Draco's name.

It took forever for the aftershocks to die down, leaving Harry a sweaty, whimpering mess with no bones to speak of. Eventually he blinked his vision clear enough to realize that Draco was draped over him again, looking intolerably smug, and that at some point the bonds had vanished from his wrists and ankles.

"You," Harry informed him, "are in such deep shit. You wait until my bones grow back. You and your fucking snakes."

"Slytherin," Draco reminded him.

"Bastard," Harry informed Draco. Draco, unforgivably, snickered.

You wait, Harry thought smugly, plotting his revenge.

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