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At one point I had a big long bio here, but now I just won't bother. I'll try and keep this short and sweet. If you want to know more about me, go browsing through my livejournal. *g*
I'm from Ireland and am currently attending college, trying to see if I can survive long enough to come out with a degree. I first decided to become a writer when I was eight and finally decided to try this writing lark when I turned twelve, and have been writing ever since, much to the dismay of my parents (they keep hoping I'll decide on a 'real' job one day).
My current fandoms are Yami no Matsuei, Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena), Harry Potter and Demon Diary (Yami no Matsuei and Shoujo Kakumei Utena being the major ones right now), but over the years I've been a part of the Tamora Pierce, LJ Smith and Digimon fandoms, with brief stints in the Charmed, Buffy, Gundam Wing, Phantom of the Opera and Moulin Rouge fandoms, and whatever anime/manga has currently caught my interest. I'm flexible. ^_^
I'm predominately a slash/yaoi fan, aka - I like the boy likes boy aspect of things. :D I also write R and NC-17 when it calls for it, and I rarely write happy, fluffy things, especially where my Harry Potter fanfiction is concerned. I like several pairings and will read anything as long it's well-written. What I write is even starting to catch up with what I read. The update livejournal for my writing is here.
I like talking to people, so feel free to contact me! You can email me . You can also reach me by IM: AIM: Popple Redfern, MSN: , or Y!M: ria_ruby.
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