Legacy of Old

Legacy of Old started out on a pure whim, so I could say I wrote Harry/Snape more than anything else. (At the time there was only four pages of Harry/Snape at ff.net.) But then the plot kind of... grew, and refused to stop! It was the first HP fic I started, and is the longest thing I've written to date, dangerously nearing 200,000 words. I guess it's my HP baby!

Begun: 21st November 2001

(For a note concerning when this fic was begun and the consequences of the length of time it's taking etc. please go here.)


Chapter One: An Unexpected Proposition
Chapter Two: Settling In and Repeated Introductions
Chapter Three: Learning Experiences
Chapter Four: A Most Unusual Lesson
Chapter Five: Quidditch
Chapter Six: Being The Responsible Adult
>Chapter Seven: Being The Responsible Adult Again
Chapter Eight: Brandy and Broomsticks
Chapter Nine: Hogsmeade
Chapter Ten: Grudges
Chapter Eleven: Gravy Floods
Chapter Twelve: Companionship
Chapter Thirteen: Christmas Trees
Chapter Fourteen: Shadows of Memories
Chapter Fiveteen: Storm in a Teacup
Chapter Sixteen: An Outsider Entered
Chapter Seventeen: Snape Manor
Chapter Eighteen: Ravenclaws
Chapter Nineteen: Dangerous Times
Chapter Twenty: Black Book


Harry Potter


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