Hello! Welcome to Quillstrokes, the home of my writings and other assorted items! I'm Ria, your guide for however long you'll choose to stay here. :) Much thanks to Aja for graciously offering me some server space. You can also check out the lovely and extremely talented people also at notquiteroyal.net with me: nqr.net.
My current fandoms are Prince of Tennis and Loveless. Currently, I am not writing anything in my former fandoms, but that always has the potential to change.
I hope you enjoy your time here. :)
17th July 2006
Have revamped the website again and am working on getting everything new up.
19th May 2006
Revampted the site and have changed navigation around slightly. This is now purely a site for storing my writing, and very little else. Currently working on getting through the backlog of fic-archiving since last August. *sigh*