Disclaimer: All characters from the Harry Potter universe belong to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Inc., AOL/Time Warner and associated companies. No offence, legal or otherwise, is intended by the online publication of this story. Neither is profit. Make love, not lawsuits!
Notes: Inspired by the Week of Weasleycest, which I would have posted this fic for had it not run over the word limit. Le sigh. Warnings for incest and a twisted surprise pairing.
Such Love
Bill was always the favorite. Favorite brother, favorite son, favorite friend--and Percy didn't wonder why, because he didn't need to, because even when Bill grew his hair and got that earring, Mum never looked away. Not the way she did when Percy came back, even though Percy had asked for forgiveness--well, all right, he hadn't asked, but he'd come back, hadn't he? He'd left Fudge, his career, the Ministry--he'd left all of it, all, because he had been proven wrong.
Wrong. Percy. Wrong Percy wrong.
Bill was always the favorite. That was why Dad didn't like any of Bill's girlfriends, because they didn't measure up, they weren't good enough for his son, and Dad was kind to them, he was, but there was a sharp edge in his eyes that made them never come back.
Bill was always the favorite. That was why Dad drew him aside, sometimes, and spoke in his ear--smiled at him, curved his hand beneath Bill's elbow, so lovingly sometimes that Bill had to flinch.
Such love it was. Percy felt himself burn, just watching it, watching them over breakfast, even though Bill's hair seemed limp and colorless then, and he wouldn't meet anyone's eyes.
Such love.
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