Denial Isn't Just a River in Egyptfor poetic_licence
Denial Isn't Just a River in Egypt "You do realise that this is highly unhygenic, don't you?"
Bill grinned down at him, safe (and dry) on the river bank. "You're Harry Potter," he reminded him, the corners of his lip quirking. "You've sat in worse." The grin made his face light up and forcibly reminded Harry that he was wet, slouced with mud, and literally sitting in the Nile. At least Bill hadn't thrown him into a deep part.
"Yes, none of which I actually liked sitting in." Harry huffed and, after several tries, managed to get to his feet. Water gushed from his hair and clothes and slid down his body to splash back into the river. "Now see what you've done."
Bill was watching him, the expression in his eyes definitely one of appreciation. "I'm sorry," he said absently in a tone that clearly implied he wasn't sorry at all, his eyes glued to Harry's chest.
Harry felt his face burn and quickly stared down at the river, watching the clear blue sky and molten sun reflect in the slow-moving surface. He knew that if he disturbed the riverbed the waters would turn unbelievably murky, and almost sat down again to do so. Anything to avoid Bill's steady gaze and knowledgable eyes.
"Are you going to come out anytime soon?" Bill asked. Harry jerked his face up before he realised it, and was thankful to see that Bill's expression had gone back to his normal cocky grin.
"I guess so," he said, slowly dragging himself through the water and towards the bank. Bill grasped his hand and helped him scramble back onto dry land.
Harry could feel Bill's gaze on him all the way back. It made him think of things that he felt he shouldn't.