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welcome to barantini: the fanlisting! you may recognize british actor philip barantini from supporting roles in "band of brothers", "ned kelly", "the escapist", and "the boys and girl from county clare". his fan community is currently small, but we hope to spread the word about him. his talent and charm deserve more recognition!

what is a fanlisting?
a fanlisting is simply a list of fans for a subject. our subject is barantini. all fans of barantini are welcome to join the listing, provided you have an email address. addresses are only used to confirm your identity and will only be displayed on this site with your permission, which you may designate on the "join" form.

to browse other subjects of fanlistings, visit TheFanlistings.org.

be sure to read the rules before joining barantini: the fanlisting. then pick your favorite code and post it on your site or blog. if your site or email address change, you can update your listing. you can also see all the other listed fans.

founded feb 2007

maintained by cathy and nautia

contact us at barantini.fan at gmail dot com

total fans: 4

approved by TheFanlistings.org

31 january - none

31 december - none
30 november - none
31 october - none
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