
Tsunade has long perfected the art of maintaining the anti-ageing jutsu through anything. These days, only a complete chakra drain will reveal her true face; she can hold the illusion even in sleep. She has seen the disapproval in Shizune's eyes, often at the end of a long, bloody battle in the medical wards when they are both sagging with exhaustion that doesn't show on the Hokage's face, or on the occasional night when threads of sake and memories draw them together.

Even maintaining the genjutsu through the sudden, shivering shock of orgasm comes easily to her now. Like every woman who learned her own body early, she climaxes silently, jaw locked and lip bitten as she concentrates on holding onto her youth. Nothing, after all, would be quite so off-putting as to suddenly find oneself making love to a crone. Not that Tsunade is all that elderly, in the scheme of things, but where age makes men venerable, it diminishes women, and she will have no part of it.

Shizune tells her, often in a long-suffering tone of voice, that she looks as though she is bracing for a blow rather than enjoying herself. Tsunade tells her that appearances can be deceiving, and Shizune should surely know that by now. Most of the time, that wins a grudging smile.

Tsunade isn't smiling now. Holding the invisibility genjutsu on top of the ageless illusion requires concentration, and she doesn�t have much to spare. Her eyes are fixed on the two slight figures facing off in the clearing, pale gazes locked. Tsunade hadn't been within fifty miles of Konoha at the time of the Third's last chuunin examination, but the jounin present had described certain incidents rather well. Gai and Kurenai have been keeping an unofficial eye on Hyuuga Neji ever since, despite his apparent change of heart.

It seems that their mistake has been in not keeping a similar eye on Hinata. The girl is still as shy and uncertain as ever in public, but her skills have improved dramatically. Tsunade narrows her eyes as Neji reaches for a handful of shuriken, and Hinata blurs into motion. It's imperfect yet, but it is unmistakably the kaiten; Neji straightens up with a nod, and suddenly Tsunade cannot look away from his face.

"Good." His voice is low, and is she imagining that touch of emotion, of approval? "You're improving, Hinata-sama."

Hinata is gasping for breath, and she stumbles over her bow. "Th-thank you, Neji-niisan." Tsunade cannot see her face, but her head is bowed, and after a long moment Neji's face shutters again and he walks away without a word. Hinata doesn't raise her head, but Tsunade cannot escape the certainty that she is watching the boy's retreating back.

Strictly speaking, Tsunade knows that she shouldn't still be here. Whatever is going on in the Hyuuga houses right now is not her concern, and since Neji doesn't seem to be a threat to his cousin � doesn't seem to bear any ill-will towards the girl at all, and that is something for Tsunade to ponder later � she should go back to her regular duties. No doubt Shizune will have a pile of paperwork ready and waiting. But there is something in the image of the girl standing there alone, head bowed and shoulders curled in on herself, that keeps Tsunade watching for far longer than is proper.

Then again, Tsunade has never been what anyone would call proper.

Tsunade eyes the stacks of mission briefs and reports with cordial loathing, considering options and outcomes. Probably she should leave it until later, but she knows that the ANBU squads will be coming off the training fields about now, and there's bound to be a mission somewhere in this stack that will require Hyuuga skills.

She doesn't have to look up to know that Shizune is hovering, ready to prod her into work if necessary. Tsunade picks the first report off the stack to pacify her, and starts skimming it. Anything of vital importance would already have been brought to her attention, but she still needs to sign off on them.

"Ask Hyuuga Neji to stop by, please," she requests quietly just as Shizune is opening the door to leave. The sigh she gets in response is long-suffering and heartfelt, and Tsunade smiles; she knows that if Shizune is really angry she'll hear about it.

She's got through all of the A and B rank mission briefs by the time he deigns to show up, not slouching the way Naruto or even Sasuke would, but poised in the open doorway as if for flight, wary eyes fixed on her. Tsunade sets aside a pouch of scrolls awaiting delivery and smiles professionally, inviting him in.

Neji comes to attention before her desk with an air that suggests he's perfectly prepared to stand there all day. Tsunade resists the urge to massage her temples and reminds herself that she doesn't have a headache. She considers him for a moment, wondering whether it's worth circling the point�

"Why are you training Hinata?"

�then again, why bother? Easier to get results by keeping the boy off-balance, and she really does have a lot of work waiting.

His face shutters, but Tsunade is certain that she saw his eyes widen for a fraction of a second. It confirms her earlier thought, that there is something here, and she wonders how to extract it from him. The boy is a clam, hiding vulnerability and lack of control behind an almost impenetrable shell.

"Hinata-sama has the potential to become much stronger," Neji says after a while, slowly. "It is my duty to advance the Main House wherever possible."

Tsunade raises an eyebrow. "We both know that's bullshit, don't we? But let it stand if you want." She watches his eyes narrow fractionally, leans back in her chair, hands resting lightly on the arms. "How do you evaluate her ability, then? And how much do you intend to teach her?"

"She's stronger than she thinks." Neji shrugs fluidly, eyes just this side of boring holes in her as though he's trying to divine her motives, although not even the byakugan can do that. Tsunade's old enough to be able to dismiss it, though. At about the age of seven, Orochimaru had developed a cold and narrow gaze that could make the unwary feel as though they'd just been flayed with blades of ice.

"She's already managed to push herself further than I thought she could," the boy almost mutters, and is that a trace of grudging admiration in his eyes, or is Tsunade imagining it? It's far more likely to be resentment.

"She does have a lot of determination," Tsunade says neutrally, keeping her own gaze cool and all but blank. "Naruto seems to have that effect on people, for some reason I've never been able to discover." And it's not a fluke, or her imagination, or the wind changing, because Neji's face changes again, barely a flicker but it's there and there's more than resentment or even blood loyalty that's put that look in his eyes.

"Very well." She's seen what she needs to, and now it's time to consider the next step. In between signing off on all those damn reports, of course. "Please keep me informed, Neji." She bends forward to the stacks, picking up her pen in a gesture of implicit dismissal that she has perfected over the years. She's already wondering whether the brat himself will be of any use in this � or whether he's just as stubbornly oblivious as he is to his own attachments � as Neji exits quietly.

Hyuuga Hiashi is surprisingly amenable when she tells him she wishes to speak with Hinata. He must be remembering their careful conversation a few months back, Tsunade thinks with no small amount of distaste; it's certainly nothing to do with her position. The relationship between the village and the noble families has never been ideal, and tucked away in their private enclave the Hyuuga are the worst of the lot. For Hiashi-san to have unbent himself enough to seek counsel of the Hokage was a surprise; for the Hokage to come in person to speak to the Hyuuga heir is unheard of.

She follows Hanabi along the shoji corridor, considering. This daughter has the confidence and poise that her sister lacks, but Tsunade is no longer certain which of them is the stronger. Hanabi's skill and stamina are obvious things, clear in her eyes and posture where Hinata's are veiled in uncertainty. The elder girl hasn't yet reached her full potential � hasn't even come close, if what Tsunade saw last week wasn't a fluke. She thinks back to what Kurenai told her five years ago � that Naruto and Neji brought out a strength and determination that led the girl almost to her death.

Naruto. Tsunade hides a tiny smile. The brat does seems to have a gift for helping people find their hidden strengths � not even she herself has been spared. Haruno Sakura is unrecognisable as the mousy girl Kakashi and Iruka nostalgically describe, and as for Uchiha Sasuke� Tsunade composes her face, trying not to let the inner grin infect her courteous smile.

Hanabi pauses and turns back, her own mask not nearly so smooth. Tsunade isn't surprised to see resentment and suspicion lingering beneath the polite social front the girl wears as she gestures efficiently to a recessed panel doorway.

"Here, Hokage-sama."

"Thank you, Hanabi-san." Tsunade inclines her head gracefully and taps carefully at the side of the door. After a long moment it cracks open a little, and Hinata's worried face peers out. It's early evening, after a day of training; she can't have been expecting visitors.

"Y-yes? Oh! Hokage-sama!" The girl nearly falls over herself trying to slide the door open and bow at the same time; Hanabi audibly sniffs, and Tsunade holds back a frown, making her face as calm and unfrightening as possible.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Hinata-san. There's something I need to speak to you about; may I come in?" Most of her attention is on Hanabi, though.

"Oh! O-of course�" Hinata pushes the door wider, and Tsunade finally gets a look at her and almost cracks the mask. Dressed for the indoor world in a simple tunic and leggings beneath an open yukata, the girl is suddenly stunning. Without her concealing, shapeless outer garments Hinata has a woman's figure, full breasts and hips bracketing a narrow waist and accentuating shapely legs, and Hanabi is speaking so it would be as well to pay attention.

"�see Hokage-sama out when you're done, oneesan," the younger sister murmurs entirely properly, bowing to Tsunade as she backs away. Tsunade nods again and turns, smiling slightly. Without her heels she's barely taller than Hinata, she realises with sudden amusement.

"Please, come in." Hinata bows her head and scuttles backwards, hands clutching each other in what seems an automatic gesture that's just barely this side of nervous wringing. Tsunade inclines her head gracefully and follows her silently into the room. Nerves or not, Hinata has good manners; she offers Tsunade the single low seat by the window, kneeling on the tatami herself when Tsunade flips an impatient hand in her direction.

Tsunade regards her for a moment, wondering where to begin. The girl has pulled her yukata around herself again, hanging her head miserably. Tsunade wonders if she expects a scolding � and whether the increased nerves are entirely due to her presence.

"How is your training going, Hinata?" she asks finally, folding her hands genteelly on the tabletop.

Hinata looks up at her. "Well, Hokage-sama," she murmurs in her quiet voice, face still worried. "Is there a problem�?"

"No." Tsunade smiles. "It's merely� come to my attention� that you've been training with your cousin. I was curious as to why you kept it secret."

Hinata flushes and stammers, but her eyes have calmed. "I-it was Neji-niisan's idea. He said � if I honestly wanted to improve myself, then he would teach me."

"Your father doesn't know." It wasn't much of a deduction. Hinata hung her head.

"He would be very angry. He gave up on my training a long time ago."

Tsunade eyes her. "You know what that means, don't you."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Hinata doesn't look up, but Tsunade is sure she sees a slight smile curve the girl's gentle mouth. "I will not be sad to give my place over to Hanabi."

"Even if you then become the caged bird?" Tsunade asks curiously; she's seen a few of the effects of that jutsu in the past, and can infer more. It isn't something she approves of � but the balance of power is always delicate, and needing the co-operation of the Hyuuga as she does�

"Hanabi is my sister," is all Hinata says, and Tsunade thinks dryly to herself that at least one of the sisters seems to have some family affection. From what she's seen of Hanabi, the girl is all too likely to be cruel to her displaced sibling, out of contempt if nothing else.

"I understand," Tsunade murmurs, and she does. Hinata is flexible, unlike her cousin Neji. Where he chafes beneath the yoke of the Main House, she will bend to the storm. "However, your father mentioned that it might be possible for your husband to provide the strength to rule the clan."

Hinata's eyes go wide, and she blushes, ducking her head shyly. "I � um, I don't want to break tradition�"

"It's been done." Tsunade looks out of the window, across the courtyard garden to the blowing fronds of the willow tree. "In the Uchiha as well as the Hyuuga. Generally when an accident of birth makes the branch lines stronger than the Main House," she adds meaningfully.

Hinata doesn't disappoint her. "But � the branch house� Neji-niisan!" She gasps, stiffens, then hunches into herself again, hiding her face.

Tsunade sighs. "Intermarriage is necessary to preserve the bloodline limits, but your fathers were twins, and that makes it dangerous. However, with the Byakugan it would be possible to tell ahead of time whether a child would be healthy. Your father is still considering the idea, but the fact remains that Neji is stronger even than Hanabi. Hiashi-san wants that ability bred back into the main family." And he'll use his daughters to do it, no matter what they� She cuts the thought off, discards it by the wayside. Tsunade has long since learned to pick her battles, and all the noble families' daughters are brought up knowing that their husbands will be chosen for them.

"I would prefer to leave the clan to Hanabi," Hinata says quietly after a long moment, surprising Tsunade. The Hokage turns back to the table, gazing at the girl thoughtfully. "I-it would probably be more beneficial to the blood if she were to m-marry Neji-niisan, anyway. A-and he'd probably prefer that, since she's pretty as well as strong."

Tsunade looks at the girl, kneeling there facing the floor with her hands clasped in her lap so that her body is almost entirely hidden by her arms. Hinata doesn't look up, even though she must feel the weight of the Hokage's gaze. It's then that Tsunade makes her decision.

"Do you have a mirror, Hinata?" she asks calmly, almost conversationally. The girl does look up then, in surprise, and Tsunade fights the temptation to let her expression fade into a soothing smile. The girl's had too much of that as it is; she responds better to challenges than to gentle reassurances. At least when the challenges are phrased correctly� Tsunade remembers Naruto again, and the corner of her mouth curls in a tiny smirk.

"A� a mirror?" Hinata is plainly confused; her brow furrows and she stares openly at Tsunade. The Hokage counts it as a small victory; although she is twisting her fingers together still, Hinata is actually meeting her eyes without fear or self-effacement.

"A full-length mirror," Tsunade qualifies. "In a wardrobe, maybe?" Somehow, she doubts that Hinata could ever be comfortable with openly possessing such a thing.

"Oh � yes. Um." Hinata is wringing her hands even more nervously, but she rises to her feet with a fluidity that's a thoughtless challenge to Tsunade. The older woman echoes the movement for the sake of her pride, but her knees complain. It's nothing new; she's long since grown used to bolstering aching joints and ageing muscles with chakra in combat. Illusions are only ever skin deep.

Hinata leads her from the little sitting room into what is plainly her bedroom; there are items of modern bedroom furniture out of keeping with the traditional d�cor of the Hyuuga House, although a futon is rolled neatly against one wall. Hinata tugs nervously at the wooden door of a tall wardrobe, pulling it open so that Tsunade can watch her mirror-self crossing the room. She doesn't miss the way the younger woman is careful to stay out of view of the glass, eyes fixed firmly on the floor.

Tsunade comes to a halt squarely in front of the mirror, meeting her own eyes with amusement. "Come here, Hinata," she commands quietly. "I need to show you something."

There's nervous reluctance in every step as Hinata moves to stand beside her, still angled away from the glass. With a carefully calculated smile, Tsunade catches gentle hold of the girl's arm and tugs her forward. "It's all right," she murmurs amusedly, "I won't bite." Positioning the girl in front of her, the Hokage places a singe finger beneath her chin and lifts her head up, forcing her to look herself full in the face.

Tsunade is only just tall enough to see over Hinata's head; she keeps her gaze steady on the girl's reflected face. "Look," she murmurs, close enough to Hinata's ear to speak intimately. "Look at yourself, Hinata. Try to see the way someone else might."

Hinata is looking. Her eyes are impossibly wide, pale and confused, and her face is beginning to flush with embarrassment. "Ah� Hokage-sama?" she manages, and although it's not stammered her voice is shaking so badly that the effect is the same.

Tsunade smiles. Lifting her hands, she gently tugs Hinata's away so that the girl can't cover herself. Careful not to overstep the boundary by touching, she slides the yukata from the girl's shoulders, letting it fall to pool on the tatami, and runs her hands down Hinata's sides, outlining her shape in the air.

"See? You're beautiful, Hinata. You have a shining soul, but you also have a very attractive body. You shouldn't be afraid of it." Tsunade lets her hands come to rest on her own hips, which are just as full as Hinata's but tend to get overlooked most of the time. Probably because her chest commands so much attention, she thinks wryly.

Hinata's mouth is an O, her jaw slightly dropped and her face crimson, and when Tsunade meets her eyes in the mirror she's a little surprised to be unable to read them. Usually Hinata's emotions � determination, nervousness, shy happiness, miserable resignation � are plain on her face, but this is something new. She's silent for so long that Tsunade almost wonders whether this was a good idea after all. She has been known to act on impulse�

"Show me."

Tsunade is sure she hasn't heard right, but suddenly there's that determination, stubborn will evident behind the blushing fa�ade, and surely she must be missing something because there's no way Hinata would ever� would she�?

"Hinata?" She doesn't know quite what to say; there's no etiquette in the Hokage scrolls for what sounds very much like a proposition. Or an invitation, anyway, and damn it because that self-doubt is creeping back into Hinata's eyes. Tsunade places one hand carefully on the girl's hip, wincing internally as Hinata starts a little, and meets her own eyes in the mirror for a moment, wondering all sorts of things.

But in the end, it's not about her.

"What are you asking me?" Tsunade pitches her voice low, to warm and calm.

Hinata turns her head to the side, almost jittering with discomfort. "I � I want you to � you said � please � make me believe it!" That last comes out desperate, close to despairing, and Tsunade settles her hands lightly on the girl's shoulders to soothe her. She considers asking again, because it's still in her mind to be dubious about this, but despite the embarrassment and discomfort, Hinata has asked. And she wouldn't have, if�

Still. Tsunade steps carefully closer, until her breasts are just brushing Hinata's back. The girl shivers as she leans forward, lips brushing hair. "Stop me any time. All you have to do is say, Hinata. Do you understand?"

A shaky nod is the only answer she gets; Tsunade moves her hands in soothing circles, gentling her. After a long, tense moment Hinata relaxes visibly, shoulders falling a little and a tiny sigh escaping her. Tsunade wonders if anyone's actually bothered to so much as touch the girl in comfort before, and bites her tongue, sliding her hands slowly down Hinata's arms. "It's all right," she whispers as she slides careful arms around the girl, cupping perfect breasts with light hands. Still, Hinata jumps and tenses again. "It's okay."

Slowly, Tsunade increases the firmness of her touches, caressing gently. Hinata is breathing unevenly, and blushing even harder; Tsunade can feel nipples stiffening beneath her palms, even through two layers of cloth. She smiles and turns her head, kissing her way gently down Hinata's neck and shoulder.

At least Hinata seems to have forgotten the mirror, Tsunade thinks as she eases her hands slowly down to frame the girl's narrow waist, sucking gently on a patch of skin near Hinata's jawline. Hinata gasps and shudders and leans back into her, flushed with a little more than embarrassment. Tsunade lets go of a few more of her misgivings and lets her hands wander further downwards, sliding gently down the outside of Hinata's thighs, then up again on the inside, rucking up the tunic over her hands. Hinata doesn't even seem to notice that she's parting her legs, too occupied with shuddering and gasping, head tilted back now onto Tsunade's shoulder.

The sound Hinata makes when Tsunade cups a soft hand over her crotch is somewhere between a squeak and a stifled moan, and it amuses the older woman inordinately. She presses harder, rubs through the stretchy fabric of the leggings, and this time it's definitely a moan, and a surprised one. The cloth is damp beneath her fingers; she lifts her hands to pull the tunic up to waist level and Hinata makes a vaguely disappointed noise in the back of her throat. Tsunade smirks and licks the girl's neck, slipping the fingers of one hand beneath Hinata's waistband while the other lifts further to play with the cotton edging of a bra cup.

Hinata's skin is hot in her hands, almost feverish, and for a second Tsunade wonders again. Then her fingertips encounter panty elastic, and she realises that too late� was probably a while ago.

Shrugging mentally, Tsunade slips her fingers inside Hinata's underwear, surprised and a little pleased by how excited the girl obviously is, damp curls a swollen mound cupped in her palm. She pauses a moment, gives Hinata a chance to stop her, but the younger woman is far too far gone, would probably have collapsed to the floor had Tsunade not been supporting her.

When Tsunade finally presses her fingers into the folds, Hinata jerks and whimpers, slick and slippery flesh against kunai-callused digits. The older woman smiles, kisses her shoulder, strokes two fingers gently along the cleft and presses at the opening for a moment before returning to the more immediate goal, rubbing soft circles against Hinata's clitoris.

It doesn�t take long at all; within seconds Hinata is moaning and gasping, small hands fisted at her sides and head thrown back, and from there it's inevitable. Tsunade lifts her head, watching interestedly in the glass as the girl goes rigid in her arms, shaking like a leaf as her body spasms beneath Tsunade's fingers and a sound like a choked-off scream spills from her mouth.

Tsunade has to catch her as Hinata's legs give out; as it is they both end up on their knees amid puddled silk, Hinata sprawled half in the Hokage's lap and still shuddering with aftershocks. Tsunade pulls her hand from the girl's clothes thoughtfully, absent-mindedly licking the wetness from her fingers.

A strangled sound distracts her from her musings, and she turns her head, fingers still in her mouth, to see Hinata staring glassy-eyed at her. Smiling, Tsunade finishes licking her hand clean before speaking. "You taste nice."

Hinata doesn't seem to know what to say to that; she simply stares. Tsunade grins outright, and leans down to bring their mouths together, nibbling on the girl's lower lip. She keeps the kiss light, and pulls away after a moment. "Want me to stop now?"

Hinata's eyes are the dazy, clouded white of dandelion heads. "There's more?" she breathes faintly, all traces of the stammer gone. Tsunade can feel the rhythm of her heart through the light embrace, beating like the wings of a frightened bird.

"Lots more." Tsunade wonders what kind of sexual education the girl has had � probably solely centred around the 'duties' of a wife, she thinks wryly. And while she's bound to have overheard things from her teammates, they're both teenage boys. She can almost see the thoughts tumbling like river stones behind Hinata's eyes.

Tsunade keeps her embrace light, although she is still supporting the girl. After a long moment of consideration, Hinata tugs away a little, face averted and crimson-stained, hands hesitating mid-air as though she wants to reach out but isn't quite sure how to. Tsunade smiles, sitting back on her heels and breaking the distance, taking the girl's hands in her own. Hinata's skin is softer even than her illusion's, although she has calluses in all the right places. "Yes?" she asks, still careful.

A moment, then a breathy sigh and an almost-whispered "Yes." And Hinata surprises her again, leaning forward to kiss her inexpertly, long delicate-looking fingers clutching at her own. Tsunade smiles inwardly, tilting her head and showing the girl how to move her lips, coaxing Hinata open with her tongue. She tugs gently at their clasped hands until Hinata is leaning into her trustingly, then frees her right to gently slide up beneath Hinata's tunic again, lifting the fabric. After a tiny pause, Hinata's hand settles onto her shoulder, and Tsunade smiles into the kiss, licking at the corner of the girl's mouth.

Breaking off the kiss and pleased to see Hinata flushed and gasping, she settles back, using both hands to lift the plain black tunic over the girl's head. Another pause, and Hinata lifts her arms to help, abandoning the garment to the tatami in a graceless pile. Tsunade kisses her again before she can begin to shy back, settling her hands lightly at the girl's waist. Her thumbs make little circles against Hinata's skin, and Hinata's hands are clutching at her shoulders.

Tsunade pulls away eventually, lifting her hands and running them up Hinata's bare arms, stroking along the thin length of bra straps. Hinata shivers, and raises her own hands uncertainly, almost hovering over the neckline of Tsunade's garment. "Can I�?" she asks hesitantly, and Tsunade hides a smirk behind a careful smile.

"If you want to." She leans forward again, touching her lips briefly to Hinata's as light, soft fingers whisper against her throat, down across the exposed tops of her breasts. Her own hands slip around the girl's slight body, expertly finding the hooks of her bra and slipping them from their eyes. Tsunade's fingers slide beneath, then forwards, loops of strap suddenly loose around Hinata's shoulders. The girl starts, then shrugs the straps off over her arms. Tsunade does the rest, pulling the thin cotton undergarment away from skin so that it can slip to the floor.

Hinata's fingers disappear from her skin for a moment, then return cautiously, fumbling for the sash that keeps the wrapped blouse in place. Tsunade straightens her torso to help, pushing her shoulders back so that the fabric parts with a familiarly comfortable drape. Hinata's confusion at the sight of her underclothes amuses her, and the Hokage takes back her hands, undoing the wrapped bindings herself with the economical habit of years. They fall loose around her forearms and wrists, and Hinata touches them hesitantly.

Tsunade answers the unspoken questions. "Better support for when I need to move quickly." Her� overendowment is also one of the reasons she prefers to keep up her illusion; she knows what age does to women's bodies all too well. She is a little surprised when Hinata's hands float back to her breasts, settling lightly against her skin and moving curiously against her. Her nipples stiffen beneath exploratory fingers, sending a familiar and pleasant jolt through her stomach, and Tsunade sighs.

Freeing her hands from the tangle of her clothing, she touches the girl again, cupping breasts in the square palms of her hands. Her thumbs swirl over darkly contrasting aureoles, coaxing goosebumps and a little shudder from Hinata. Smirking, she slides her hands around the girl's sides, leaning forward to tip her backwards. Hinata's hands clutch at her shoulders in startlement as Tsunade lays her on the floor, bending her head to breathe warm air over the girl's throat. Hinata's legs are still folded beneath her, her back arched, but it doesn't seem to be causing her any discomfort. Ninja flexibility, Tsunade thinks, and smiles to herself before flicking out her tongue to taste Hinata's skin.

Hinata gasps, and Tsunade shoots a brief glance at her face; her pale eyes are wide and fixed on the ceiling. She smiles, considering, then leans forward again and curls her tongue around a nipple before taking it between her lips, sucking lightly. The sound Hinata makes amuses her greatly, a squeak that turns into a gasp. Tsunade sucks a little harder, licking thoughtfully then biting down gently, and feels Hinata almost writhe out of her skin. The girl's breath is coming hard now; Tsunade sets a hand on her chest, absently feeling the chakra coiling beneath her fingers in Hinata's heart centre. A brief moment of consideration, and she makes a choice.

Lifting her head (releasing the girl's nipple with a soft, wet sound), she smiles reassuringly and relocates her hands to Hinata's hips, sliding down the outside of her thighs to the knees and lifting carefully, helping her straighten her legs out and lay them flat. She's still on her own knees, between Hinata's, and the younger woman is starting to come out of her haze of sensation, a curious look on her face. Tsunade smoothes her smirk into another little smile, and moves forwards again, putting her weight briefly on her hands as she presses a carefully-calculated kiss to Hinata's lips. Just as Hinata's starting to respond � still awkward, but with enough confidence that the teacher in her is satisfied � Tsunade pulls away, settling back onto her knees and lifting Hinata's hips so that she can slide the leggings and panties down.

Hinata's knees twitch, but she relaxes quickly, lifting her legs to help kick the confining clothing aside. Tsunade regards her for a moment in approval. She was right, she thinks; taken as a whole the girl is stunning, and she does like to be proved right. She shifts her hands, sliding light fingers up solid calf muscle beneath smooth pale skin, smiling as Hinata shivers ticklishly, cupping the backs of her knees and lifting enough to press her thighs gently apart.

The sound Hinata makes is a little embarrassed, but she has no reason to be. Tsunade settles closer, running the tips of her fingers up the inside of one thigh before stroking the edges of that slippery cleft again. Hinata gasps and shivers, and Tsunade smiles, pressing her fingers into the folds, spreading Hinata out even further as she leans forward to taste.

The girl is very wet, and her juices are sweet-salty and slick. Tsunade hums approvingly in the back of her throat, and explores carefully, paying no attention to the rigidity of Hinata's limbs. They relax after a moment, anyway, as Tsunade presses her tongue gently into the girl's opening, tasting sweetness and the tautness of her hymen before retreating, licking a thoughtful path upwards to her true goal.

Hinata's body goes stiff again when Tsunade drags the flat of her tongue across her clitoris, then shudders briefly. Tsunade smirks and does it again, and again, alternating long slow strokes with swift flicks, liking both the slightly saltier taste and the way Hinata is already beginning to spasm and gasp in the throes of climax. She doesn't let up, pressing her face closer and wrapping her lips around the little stem of flesh, drawing out the orgasm until Hinata is making hoarse little whimpering sounds, fingers digging almost painfully into Tsunade's hair. Her own fingers twist together, pushing gently and slowly into the girl's body, careful to stretch rather than tear. She crooks her fingers, pushing right there and curling her tongue at the same time and incredibly pleased when Hinata arches completely off the floor with a wail, limbs twisting.

It doesn't take as long as Tsunade anticipates for Hinata to blink her eyes back open, staring muzzily up at the Hokage's face. She smiles reassuringly, watching conscious thought returning slowly.

"All right?" she asks eventually, when it's obvious that the girl can't think of anything to say. Hinata flushes rose-pink from forehead to navel, but nods shyly, eyes fluttering closed again. Tsunade is wondering what's become of her clothing � she's been here long enough, after all, and Shizune will be having fits � when gentle hands at her waist surprise her out of her thoughts. Hinata has that familiar determined expression on her face as her fingers slip beneath the waistband of Tsunade's loose trousers.

Tsunade blinks curiously. "Are you sure?" is all she asks, hands coming up to brace herself on the floor as slender fingers slide uncertainly between her legs. She's on her back, leaning up to peer over at Hinata, the girl braced on one hand as she explores the older woman's body. Tsunade's eyes almost cross as those clever fingers press into her, and she hastily takes a controlling grip on her chakra.

"It's only fair," Hinata murmurs almost inaudibly, face curious as her fingers move hesitantly. One of them finds the right spot more by accident than design, and Tsunade hisses, letting her hips move automatically. She's pretty close already, and grasps Hinata's wrist to still her for a moment.

"There are no obligations between friends, Hinata."

Hinata stares at her, puzzled, then tries the word out. "Friends?"

Tsunade nods, considering and then discarding the idea of explaining. Even now there are some losses that are too painful, and she has never believed in bringing ghosts into her bed. "Here and now, we're friends," is all she says, releasing the girl's hand and titling her head back, staring up at the ceiling. There is an old water-stain in one corner, she notices absently, most of her attention still on keeping her chakra paths clearly divided.

Hinata hesitates for a long moment, but when her fingers begin moving again there is no uncertainty. Tsunade gasps and bites her tongue and rocks almost helplessly into the movement, feeling the pleasure building as chakra flows down into the base centres. Not long at all � Hinata's fingers are moving rhythmically, her hips arching into the contact, and Tsunade can feel it start to spill over as she throws her head back, biting viciously into her lower lip as she clings stubbornly to the chakra flow of her genjutsu, keeping her illusion in place by main force of will as the shudders spasm through her limbs.

A shaking second that lasts forever, and then she is falling, limp and still against tatami and discarded cloth. When her vision clears she's rather surprised to see Hinata smiling down at her, hands relaxed in her lap. "Thank you," she murmurs, and Tsunade realises that her eyes are calm and clear. Sitting up slowly, she takes a moment to sort through the possible implications of that before smiling herself with total honesty.

"You're entirely welcome," she says, and means it.